Whats In The Bag? (2)

IMAG0451It’s 1977, and I know absolutely nothing about this album or about who the band where. It wasn’t until 1979 (I was approaching 12 years old) when ‘Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick’ appeared and I loved it immediately, and still do.  It initially came as a massive disappointment to me that it wasn’t on this album, and it isn’t on any album (unless you look at later collections or expanded editions, but back in the day, we didn’t have those) but the tracks here are fabulous, including what is probably the most well known, ‘Sex and Drugs and Rock And Roll’, which is, after all, all a brain and body needs.

IMAG0457_20150220155317899I went to see Ian Dury and the Music Students at the Oxford Apollo sometime in 1984IMAG0458 I think it was, but I never saw the Blockheads, which was a shame as the tracks from ‘4,000 weeks Holiday’, the only album Dury made with the Music Students, were pretty good but not as good as with the Blockheads. On a side note, I happen to think both the front and back cover images are brilliant.



2 thoughts on “Whats In The Bag? (2)”

  1. All time favourite album. It has a bit of everything. So glad I saw Ian with the Blockheads
    before he died. That night with you at Oxford to see Ian with the Students was pretty good too.
    Dave x


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